Champion for Life Winner, Bick’s Driving School

Pictured from left: Matt Niles, COO; Tracie Shelton; CAO; Barry Massa, executive director; Erica Randall, Community Engagement Associate; and Tina Paff, owner of Bick’s Driving School.
Theodore E. Smith Award Winner, Luz Schemmel

Pictured from left to right: Barry Massa, Executive Director; Tracie Shelton CAO; Matt Niles, COO; Julie Luebbers, Community Engagement Associate; and Luz Schemmel, local activist in the Hispanic Community.
Legacy Award Winner, Kelly Gunnels-Valines

Pictured from left to right: Barry Massa, Executive Director; Andi Johnson, Community Relations Director; Kelly Gunnels-Valines, sister of Reco Gunnels Sr., tissue and eye donor, who won the Legacy Award; Matt Niles, COO, and Tracie Shelton, CAO.
Samathan Jameson Vision Award Winner, Michele Meyers

Pictured from left: Tracie Shelton, CAO; Andi Johnson, Community Relations Director; Michele Meyers, tissue recovery technician; Matt Niles COO; and Barry Massa, Executive Director.