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The Landwehr Family - Donor Family of Kyle
The Landwehr Family

Donor Family of Kyle

Opportunities to Honor

Donor Family Support

Network for Hope’s Donor Family Council, serving out of the Cincinnati office, is a dedicated group of donor families focusing on providing thoughts, experience, and feedback on how to continue improving the support provided to families. This group meets quarterly and new members are added at the beginning of each year.

Network for Hope’s Donor Family Coalition serves the state of Kentucky area.

If interested or have questions, please email

Memorial Locations

Path of Life
Visit the Path of Life at Mt. Echo Park in Cincinnati. Families are encouraged to visit the park as a way to walk, reflect, and honor loved ones. Network for Hope is happy to provide biodegradable ribbons to families who wish to write a message to their loved one and tie the ribbon to a tree branch. To request a ribbon, please send an email to

Kentucky State Capitol
Download information and a map about the Donor Memorial at the Kentucky State Capitol.

Memorial Locations
Path of Life

Mt. Echo Park, Cincinnati, OH

Quilt Squares
Quilt Squares

Virtual Quilt Squares

As a donor family member, Network for Hope invites you to create a “quilt square” in honor and memory of your loved one.

You do not need to be exceptionally artistic to contribute. The square can be as simple or complex as you wish. You can use any 12-inch square of material you would like in creating your square. The completed square (embellished area) must measure 12 in. x 12 in.

You can use a variety of techniques in decorating the square, including appliqué, cross stitch, embroidery, needlepoint, sewing, paint, crayons, stenciling, photos, pieces of clothing, school letters, sports emblems, medals, or important objects.

Using a variety of colors makes your quilt square stand out. Be creative – the more color, the better. You are encouraged to include the name of your loved one and any significant dates, hobbies, accomplishments, nicknames, etc.

Although we realize each donor family may have several talented artists, only one quilt square for each donor will be accepted.

After you have completed your square, take a photo of it from above or scan it and upload it here.

Upload Quilt Square