“I just feel like expressing joy can be so contagious to others, no matter what you’re going through or what other people are going through. If you have that expression of joy, not just in your face, but in your whole being, it helps uplift others around you.” – Audrey Holtzman
My brother Henry was a great and kind soul first, and a star athlete second. He lived his life by the simple philosophy of “I do what God calls me to do.” He was an avid runner who ran for the Wisconsin Runner Racing Team after graduating from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and was crowned the national 5K champion at the USA Men’s Championship in 2003.
Henry was no ordinary man; he was the embodiment of what it is to be a good and kind person. He loved spending time with his two boys, Miles (16) and Henry IV (14). His kindness and selflessness only made his untimely passing harder on our family, but the unfortunate reality is that it is often the best of us who are taken too soon. This is why it was no surprise to my family that he was a registered organ, eye and tissue donor.
Henry was rich in heart and soul, and he wanted nothing more than to spread hope and joy to the people who needed it most. He spent his time pouring into his sons, helping the homeless, supporting causes he was passionate about and living life to the fullest. When he walked into a room, his smile would light up the entire room. Although we miss him tremendously, we are grateful to know that he was able to save eight lives through organ donation and countless others through his gift of tissue.
Audrey Holtzman