As a living kidney donor, organ donation has positively impacted my life! I feel pride in my decision to donate to Kaleb and am so blessed that our transplant was successful. When my friend Temple told me that her child needed a transplant I said “yes” and if asked again my answer would be the same. Since the transplant, my family has grown and I now have children of my own! A beautiful son and daughter, Dominic and Kendyl. They are the lights of my life and one of the greatest values I can instill in them is the power of giving. I teach them that no matter how much they have, there is always room to give. As a donor advocate I offer my experience to those who are preparing for kidney donation. I also use any platform I can to show others that kidney donation is something they can do and if they choose to save a life it will be one of the most amazing things they will ever do.
– Kelly Williams
Organ donation gave my sons a new lease on life. We would not be where we are today without the kind and generous acts of two separate families. Organ donation gives life to those in need and is a blessing. I am so thankful and grateful for not one but two families who made the choice to give life. Experiencing the selfless spirit of a person adds to a journey. To all who have been a part of our journey we say THANK YOU.
– Temple Parker, Mother of Kaleb and Kyle