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Bob McCorkle, Waiting for Kidney Transplant

To my future donor,

I have Polycistic Kidney Disease which is hereditary and several of my family members have passed away from it. I have been on peritoneal dialysis since March 2015, and every night for the last three years I pray for the phone call from the hospital to tell me they’ve found a match. Being on dialysis has probably been one of the most challenging things that I’ve had to do in my life and I’m looking forward to one day ending the dependency of the machine to keep me going.

I want to live life to the fullest, and I want to be around for my family and friends who have been there and supported me during this period. The past several years have really made me look at everything from a totally different perspective and think about life and what is important. We take so many things for granted and I can honestly say going through this whole ordeal has made me appreciate the little things that life as to offer.

I want to be around to be an inspiration to others who have kidney disease and are trying to find a donor. I want people to know that life does go on and you can make it. Words cannot describe the impact you can make by being an organ and tissue donor. By saying “Yes” to be a registered donor your are giving the gift of life.

Bob McCorkle


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