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Lynn Swartz – Liver Transplant Social Worker

“I make sure the team understands that the patients are not their disease. They are a person, and we need to treat them wholly, no matter what reason they need a transplant.” – Lynn Swartz

I feel incredibly blessed to be a liver transplant social worker and to have the opportunity to work with those who are potential candidates for transplant, transplant recipients, and their loved ones. I have the opportunity to advocate for my patients, their families, my team, and for the good stewardship of the organs with which we are entrusted.

One of my favorite parts of my job is our monthly support group meetings. No matter what kind of day I may have, my patients remind me of why I continue to do what I do. Their appreciation for life, their bright smiles, their laughter, their milestones, and their desire to educate others and give back is extraordinary.

It is an honor to work with patients and their loved ones on this journey. Transplant is complex and it can be a difficult road. I’m with them the entire way. I frequently hear from patients just how much transplant and their donors or families of their donors have changed their lives. What they may not know is how much they have changed mine. I learn something from each and every patient that I work with.

I’m thankful that life led me to a job in transplant. It’s life changing. Everyone has a different story. Everyone’s path will be different. I’m lucky enough to have been a part of it.

Lynn Swartz


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