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March: Karyn Frost. Featured in 2023 Calendar.

“I was on the list,” I love saying that. For 20 years, I had systemic lupus, resulting in end-stage renal disease. After four years of waiting, I received my kidney in March, 2022.

Being on the waiting list was frustrating, but life goes on. I did dialysis in Spain, France, and all over this country while I continued to do what I like to do. Dialysis is hard on your body; it drains you of energy and impacts your quality of life. I learned it takes a village and I learned to advocate for myself. To those still waiting, I would say your turn is coming. Think positively. Talk to people when you are feeling down. Just don’t give up.

After 20 years of health challenges culminating in something positive, I am so content, so at peace, and cannot believe I am still here. To be able to not wake up for dialysis at 5:45 a.m. Monday morning is amazing.

I want everybody who needs a kidney to get one. I am positive the reason I received a kidney is publications like this calendar, and people who volunteer and have passion about getting the word out about organ donation. Lifecenter staff and volunteers work hard to make sure people like me can extend their lives. I have two teenage daughters and I want to be around for them.

Through your willingness to donate an organ, you not only impact the person who receives that organ, but all the people who love them.

– Karyn Frost


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