Jonathan was born with a rare liver disease called biliary atresia. The doctors attempted to save his native liver with a major surgery but unfortunately that failed and by the time he was only 4 months old his health began deteriorating rapidly. He required countless procedures and interventions and spent a significant amount of time in the hospital. His gift of a new healthy liver came when he was 8 and a half months old. We learned it was a size match liver so we knew somewhere near a family was suffering an unimaginable loss. What we would learn later was the loss of a precious little girl named Patricia. Patricia’s mom knew that her baby girl was a super hero and would want to save another child. There is simply no way to describe the gratitude and heartbreak one feels knowing your child has a chance to live only because another did not. From that moment on we knew that our son was given a chance many don’t get and we needed others to know what a difference organ donation can make. It has given us 12 birthdays, 11 Christmas mornings, 10 first days of school, wonderful friendships, sports, first dances, precious time spent as a family, countless giggles and oh so very much love. We have had the amazing opportunity to meet his donor’s family a few years ago and express our heartfelt gratitude face to face and now consider them family. They made the choice to give during their most difficult time so no one else has to endure that loss. It is our hope that everyone knows what a miracle organ donation is and what a huge difference it can make.
– Amber Voorhees, Mother of Jonathan