I received a heart transplant almost five years ago. I was a healthy 47-year-old husband and father of three children, spending my days working and nights playing outside with the kids. I began having trouble breathing and after several tests, I was told I had a blood clot in my heart. After a few weeks in the hospital, I was told I needed a transplant. My family and I prayed that a donor heart would become available before it was too late. Miraculously, in only three days, our prayers were answered! The thrilling news came with the sad knowledge that another family was grieving a devastating loss.
If I could speak with that family, I would tell them how deeply grateful I am for their loved one’s generous and selfless act of registering to be a donor. He has made an immeasurable difference in my life and the lives of the people I love. It is a blessing that has allowed me to see two daughters graduate high school and a son grow up from a little boy to be a young man. It has allowed me to return to a normal life, although for me and my family, it will never truly be normal again. We will forever hold in our prayers someone we will never know and a family we have never met. I want everyone to know that the decision to become an organ donor spreads enormous joy and changes lives.
– Steven Dragon